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Mostrando entradas de mayo 15, 2011


Our nation by nation look at the end of Osama bin Laden continues in Mexico. Just like many people in the United States, people in other nations are wondering if the operation to eliminate Osama bin Laden will weaken the right-wing onslaught against President Obama. For Mexico's Excelsior, political analyst Jose Luis Valdes Ugalde writes that the U.S. right-wing attack machine has been shocked into embracing Mr. Obama's prowess as commander in chief, but how long that will last remains to be For Excelsior, Jose Luis Valdes Ugalde writes in part: "The 21st century began with multiple shocks to the international order - September 11 to begin with, and the ascension of Obama, which perhaps signaled the rebirth of the U.S. as a multi-ethnic society alongside its decline as a global power. The paradox is that both domestic and international efforts to restructure the socio-political basis of society, centered on a new social consensus and the application of a strategy of

Obama Quiets the 'Right-Wing Witch Hunters' ... for Now

"Confronted with a fact that undoubtedly strengthens his re-election prospects - if the economy doesn't betray him - we'll have to wait and see whether the right's passion for witch-burning persists - an art that rabid right-wing nationalists in the U.S. expertly dominate." By José Luis Valdés Ugalde* Translated by Jason Ross May 5, 2011 Mexico - Excelsior - Original Article (Spanish) The far-right's offensive against Barack Obama is multifaceted and crude. Until last week at least, before the liquidation of Osama bin Laden, it seemed there was no stopping it. Since before winning the presidency, and in less than subtle language, they've wanted to strip him of his legitimacy as a political person and now that he's a figure of U.S. power, also of his status and right to citizenship. This type of discourse, which seemed to have ebbed and been buried in the 70s by the U.S. multicultural political landscape, reemerged. Thus, this sector

Bin Laden, ¿fin de la historia? (18/05/2011)

Era un enemigo declarado de EU, que fue capaz de sacrificar a niños, mujeres y ancianos en nombre de la Yihad. Jose Luis Valdés Ugalde* A través de un sofisticado operativo, Barack Obama erradicó del mapa a Osama bin Laden. Se trata de un hecho de gran trascendencia política para Washington. También se trata de una reivindicación para los estadunidenses que cargaban con un agravio histórico que, además de haberles quitado la inocencia, a muchos les hizo perder a más de tres mil familiares en los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001. Bin Laden habría afirmado, al ver caer a los infieles de las Torres Gemelas neoyorquinas como motas de polvo en aquel 2001, que “su corazón se había llenado de júbilo”. Se trataba, pues, de un enemigo declarado de EU, que fue capaz de sacrificar a niños, mujeres y ancianos en nombre de la Yihad. En esta ocasión, la operación en la que se le cazó y que es ya un hecho histórico en el libro de leyendas de Washington, Bin Laden fue encontrado, con tres de