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Our nation by nation look at the end of Osama bin Laden continues in Mexico.

Just like many people in the United States, people in other nations are wondering if the operation to eliminate Osama bin Laden will weaken the right-wing onslaught against President Obama. For Mexico's Excelsior, political analyst Jose Luis Valdes Ugalde writes that the U.S. right-wing attack machine has been shocked into embracing Mr. Obama's prowess as commander in chief, but how long that will last remains to be

For Excelsior, Jose Luis Valdes Ugalde writes in part:

"The 21st century began with multiple shocks to the international order - September 11 to begin with, and the ascension of Obama, which perhaps signaled the rebirth of the U.S. as a multi-ethnic society alongside its decline as a global power. The paradox is that both domestic and international efforts to restructure the socio-political basis of society, centered on a new social consensus and the application of a strategy of smart power - more diplomatic than military - with the aim of positioning Washington at the heart of a new international order with new and powerful emerging players, is being driven by this man. A man whose possession of U.S. citizenship and right to identify himself as "American" is being questioned by the same recalcitrant elements that questioned his moral authority to preside over the United States.

"The repeatedly confirmed Obama has unwound Trump and his media show, and neutralized an obstacle in his path to reelection. Now, with the elimination of bin Laden, Obama has strengthened his prestige and political capital in the face of an extreme right and the citizens of the U.S. and the world. The end of bin Laden is a transcendental blow to al-Qaedaal-Qaeda that BushBush, and even some of his allies, after dreaming of doing it themselves, now credit Obama with. Confronted with a fact that undoubtedly strengthens his re-election prospects - if the economy doesn't betray him - we'll have to wait and see whether the right's passion for witch-burning persists - an art that rabid right-wing nationalists in the U.S. expertly dominate. Osma's demise is a long-cherished achievement for Washington's entire political establishment. And therefore, one that the right will have to come to terms with, as if the Tyrian and Trojan horses were their own, however difficult it may be."

[Editor's Note: The term "Tyrian and Trojan horses" refers to backers of differing opinions, and was first popularized by the ancient Roman poet Virgil in his work about the Trojan Wars, the Aenied.]


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Semblanza curricular

Dr. José Luis Valdés Ugalde Investigador titular B, T.C., Centro de Investigaciones Sobre América del Norte (CISAN), UNAM Profesor de asignatura, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM E-Mail: Página Web: Twitter: @JLValdesUgalde     Realicé estudios de licenciatura en Ciencia Política en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa, de maestría en Sociología Política y de doctorado en Relaciones Internacionales, ambos en la London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).   Soy investigador titular “B” de tiempo completo con PRIDE D en el Área de Estudios Estratégicos del Centro de Investigaciones Sobre América del Norte (CISAN) de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) desde 1994, del cual fui director durante dos periodos consecutivos (agosto 2001-agosto 2005 y agosto 2005-agosto 2009). Asimismo, en 2006 fui nombr

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