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English CV


Dr. José Luis Valdés Ugalde

Full time tenured researcher, Center for Research on North America (CISAN), UNAM.  

Professor, School of Political and Social Sciences (FCPyS), UNAM


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Twitter: @JLValdesUgalde

I completed a Bachelor Degree in Political Science at the Metropolitan Autonomous University, Iztapalapa Campus (UAM-I), in Mexico City; obtained both a Master degree of Arts in Political Sociology and a PhD in International Relations, both at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

Since 1994 I have been a full time researcher in the field of Strategic Studies at the Center for Research on North America (CISAN) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), of which I was Director for two periods (august 2001-august 2005 and august 2005-august 2009). In 2006, I was appointed National Researcher Level II of the National System of Researchers (SNI) and in that same year I became a permanent member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences (AMC).

Individually, I have developed three research projects at CISAN: “The US and democracy in Latin America, political, economic and social transition: governance and security”; “Analysis of the effects of economic openness and the NAFTA on the Mexican economy: a sectorial review”; and “Globality and conflict. The US and the 9/11 crisis”; and one another at the International Studies Division (DEI) of the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE), entitled “The US and the globalization in the Americas: the challenges of integration, security and governance”. In the coming months I intend to start a new project during my two sabbatical years: “From ‘Americanism’ as ideology to smart power as strategy. Globalisation, US decline and recovery: towards a new foreign policy? Regional consequences. A comparative overview.”

Likewise, I have acted as co-responsible scholar for three collective projects, each one developed by the Institute of Social Research (IIS) at UNAM, the CISAN and the CIDE respectively. I have also been a member of seven collective research projects developed by colleagues at CISAN, the FCPyS and the Center of European Studies of the UNAM.

I have done several research residences: at the LSE (august 1997-july 1998), the DEI of the CIDE (august 2009-august 2010), the Lateinamerika–Institut of the Freie Universität Berlin (July 2010) and the Metropolitan Autonomous University, Xochimilco Campus (UAM-X) (august 2011-september 2012). The research developed during these recent academic residences was about several different topics within the IR field, namely: US Foreign Policy towards Mexico and Latin America; Globalization and Integration in Latin America; Inter-American relations, hemispheric security and Mexican national security. During my stay in those universities I shared the results of my work with students and faculty members through lectures; also I provided academic advice to undergraduate and doctoral students.

I have been Supervisor/Advisor to four theses of undergraduate students of International Relations at the FCPyS; currently I am Supervisor/Advisor to five; also to four MA theses at the FCPyS and the LSE; and very recently (January 2013) I have been examiner of one PhD dissertation to whom I advised as part of the student’s tutorial committee. Likewise I have been a reader and examiner of two undergraduate dissertations, eight master dissertations and seven doctoral dissertations. I have also been a member of the tutorial committee of six PH.D students at the FCPyS.

As for teaching, I have taught at the undergraduate level, in the bachelors on Political Science, International Relations and Sociology, both in national and foreign universities, including: the Westminster University, London (1990-1991 and 1997-1999), Penn State University, US (1996), the LSE, London (1997-1999), the CIDE (2009-2010), the UAM-X (2011-2012) and the FCPyS of UNAM (since 2009).

Since 2004 I have been professor of the subject “The US National Power” of the Master on Military Management for National Security and Defense at the College of National Defense (Defense Ministry), which takes place every year. Since 2010 I have also been invited by the Center of High Naval Studies of the Navy Secretariat of Mexico to participate on their master program on National Security, in the panel “Border problems and migration”. Recently, during 2011-2012, I held the “Oscar Uribe Villegas Chair” at UAM-X and became a member of the Academic Committee assigned with the task of preparing the curriculum of the Master’s programme on International Relations. I was also in charge of one of the subjects of the Master´s programme, and I organized and headed the seminar “The US power in the world”.

I have been speaker, lecturer, commentator and presenter at several seminars, colloquiums and congresses organised by academic, governmental and no governmental institutions, both national and foreign. Likewise, I have been interviewed about current issues by diverse journals and political analysis programs, including: Radio Educación, Radio UNAM, TV UNAM, TV Azteca, Televisa, El Canal del Congreso, W Radio, Formato 21, Grupo Radio Centro, Radio Fórmula, Radio Trece Noticias, Radio Red, Once TV, Grupo Imagen, Grupo Imagen en San Luis Potosí, Notisistema de Guadalajara, Instituto Mexicano de la Radio, Televisión Mexiquense, Univisión, National Public Radio, Telemundo, MVS Noticas, SBS Australia; the journals La Jornada, Reforma, El Universal, El Financiero, Excélsior, Milenio, El Economista and USA Today; and the Homeland Security Today magazine. I am a permanent political analyst for CNN en Español and the Mexican radio program Enfoque Primera Emisión.

I have been author, coauthor and editor of ten books; author of thirty chapters in books and author of more than sixty articles in specialized magazines, including: Norteamérica Revista Académica, Voices of Mexico, Foreign Policy Edición Mexicana, Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica, Nexos, Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior y Canada Watch. I have also been a permanent columnist for the Mexican newspapers Milenio and El Universal, and currently for Excélsior. Currently  a political and economic analyst for Deutsche Welle, Berlin

I have in charge of assessing the projects of candidates asking for scholarships to study their postgraduate courses abroad given by the National Council on Science and Technology (CONACYT) and also of those asking for Fulbright-García Robles scholarships in the field of Social Sciences, under the umbrella of the Mexico-US Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange (COMEXUS). Likewise, I have reviewed two books and several articles to be published in magazines such as Norteamérica, Foreign Policy Edición Mexicana, Perfiles Latinoamericanos, Revista Latinoamericana de Economía y Problemas del Desarrollo.

I am a member of several associations devoted to the study of social sciences and international relations, both national and foreign, including: the International Studies Association (ISA), the Latin American Studies Association, the Mexican Association of International Studies (AMEI) of which I served as vice president, the Inter-institutional Program of Studies of North America (PIERAN) of the Colegio de México (2001-2009), the Mexican Council on Foreign Affairs (COMEXI), the Mexican Academy of Sciences (AMC), the North American Center for Transborder Studies (NACTS) of the University of Arizona, the Experts Directory of the Network on North American Studies in Canada (NNASC) of the Foundation for Educational Exchange between Canada and the United States of America, the Steering Committee of The Portal For North America (PNA) of the Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) of Metropolis North America, the Mexican Association of Right to Information (AMEDI), the  International Political Science Association and the Mexican Research Council on Political Science (COMICIP). I have also joined the Espinosa Yglesias Research Center (CEEY) in their evaluation projects on the foreign policy presidential platforms since 2001.

I am a member of several editorial boards of magazines such as Voices of Mexico (of which I was director from September 2001 to August 2009), of the Editorial Board of the School of Economy of the UNAM (since 2004), of the Editorial Board of the Research Section of the Mexican Journal Reforma (2003-2005), of Norteamérica Revista Académica del  CISAN, UNAM (which I founded and headed from 2004 to 2009), of the Editorial Board of the magazine Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos, University of California Press, the Latin American Politics and Policy Journal (since may 2009) and the magazine Foro Abierto of MONUUNAM (since June 2011).

In 1999 I was appointed by the Mexican Senate, through the Presidency of its  Commission of Commerce, as Technical Secretary for the Evaluation of the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) after five years of having been operating and as a result of this endeavour I published the book Análisis de los efectos del tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte: Una visión sectorial a cinco años de distancia, 2 volumenes (Analysis of the effects of the NAFTA: A sectorial vision after five years, 2 volumes). Subsequently, in 2001, I acted as Deputy National Security Advisor for Risk Analysis of the Presidential National Security Advisor’s Office. That same year, I was appointed by the President of UNAM as Director of the Center for Research on North America (CISAN) for the period 2001-2005 and then reelected for a second term, from 2005-2009. In 2007 I was appointed by the Mexican government as member of the Board of the Mexican-US Commission for the Academic and Cultural Exchange (COMEXUS), where I performed until 2010. In 2008 I was invited to become a member of the Advisory Council for International Trade Negotiations of the Mexican Ministry of Economy and more recently, since 2011, I have been a member of the Advisory Council of the Mexican National Institute of Migration.

Berlin, Septmeber, 2013.



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Dr. José Luis Valdés Ugalde Investigador titular B, T.C., Centro de Investigaciones Sobre América del Norte (CISAN), UNAM Profesor de asignatura, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM E-Mail: Página Web: Twitter: @JLValdesUgalde     Realicé estudios de licenciatura en Ciencia Política en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa, de maestría en Sociología Política y de doctorado en Relaciones Internacionales, ambos en la London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).   Soy investigador titular “B” de tiempo completo con PRIDE D en el Área de Estudios Estratégicos del Centro de Investigaciones Sobre América del Norte (CISAN) de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) desde 1994, del cual fui director durante dos periodos consecutivos (agosto 2001-agosto 2005 y agosto 2005-agosto 2009). Asimismo, en 2006 fui nombr

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